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To see the world better and show it to others

We provide photos for various purposes.
For websites, blogs, e-shops, for social media,
for printed materials, brochures, presentations, catalogues,
magazines, books.
Our principle is to offer new topics and their processing,
to be original, to show common objects, as well as situations
in unusual and interesting designs, to look for new perspectives
while maintaining a good quality.
How to order: Please specify the subject, purpose of use, size of photos
and their number.
(In case of ambiguity, we are able to deal with this as well).
You will receive price offer for previews
(2 €/pc., at size 300-400px.) from us.
Choose from the previews the ones you like and let us know.
You will receive a quote for the final large processed photos.
After paying for the order, we start to work.
Smaller photos are sent classically by an e-mail,
larger files via storage.
We process and send photos in various formats,
most often in JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, RAW.
(Other formats by prior arrangement).
We can also process your own photos, edit and improve them.
Prices depends on the scope, purpose of use,
elements added to the photo, quality, theme, originality,
artistic value, and the complexity of the processing to achieve
the desired effect. This cannot be quantified in general.
Photos for web, blog, at size 600x400px. may vary depending
on the value 10 - 75 € / pc.
For printing on things can be around 45 € or more for a pc.

A good original photo not only increases prestige and sells,
but it is also a message that attracts and connects people.
Examples of our work:









